Much money can be saved by making repairs to an automobile at home rather than taking it to an auto mechanic. It is possible to replace a blown gasket head, provided that you have the right tools. While the type of car may vary, the required tool set for this job generally is standard for any head gasket replacement. Some additional research may be necessary for working with the car's timing chain, depending on the model of the car.
It will be necessary to gain access to the underside of the engine by using floor jacks and stands to prop up the car.
A torque wrench with a capacity of 8.7ft/lbs to 72ft/lbs is required.
A torque angle gauge is useful for helping to attach the head bolts with the correct amount of tension.
A 3mm long shaft allen key is used to release the timing chain tensioner. A hammer and punch may also be used for this purpose, but these will be less efficient and may cause damage to the chain if used improperly.
Both the 1/4-inch and the 3/8-inch socket sets (10mm to 19mm for both) are needed. These will be used when working with the various nuts and bolts around the head gasket.
Both the 1/4-inch and 3/8-inch socket set extensions are needed for use with their corresponding socket sets.
Screwdrivers and needle nose pliers are required for miscellaneous tasks. Depending on the make and model of the car, other parts may need to be detached in order to gain access to the head gasket.
This is used to keep track of each spark plug lead as it is removed. It is also going to come in handy when working with the automobile's timing chain.
Reusing the old head bolts can result in breakage of the head gasket, so be sure to obtain new head bolts before beginning this project.