Unlike many other vehicles, which feature an open-element air filter, the 2006 Honda Accord's air filter is enclosed within an air box. Air is routed into the air box where it passes through the air filter. The air then travels through a large air hose and exits into the throttle body, where it is then mixed with fuel. The filter is the only component which prevents debris from entering the engine. However, the air filter does become dirty and must therefore be periodically replaced.
Slacken the single clamp which secures the air hose from the engine to the back of the air box with a Phillips head screwdriver. The air box contains the air filter and is located at the front of the engine on the driver's side.
Remove the four air box securing screws with either a Phillips head screwdriver or an 8 mm socket connected to a socket wrench. A single securing screw is located at each corner of the air box.
Lift the cover off of the air box to expose the air filter. As the cover is being lifted off of the air box, the air hose must be pulled off of the back of the box.
Note the position of the air filter within the air box. The air filter may appear to be symmetrical, but it can only be installed one way. Therefore, make a note of how the filter is positioned to save time and guesswork during the installation of the replacement air filter.
Lift the air filter out of the air box.
Slide the air hose onto the back of the air box then tighten the clamp on the end of the air hose onto the box with a Philips head screwdriver.
Position the replacement air filter into the air box, then lower the cover onto the air box and install the cover's four securing screws.