Deleting your brake lines is a way to ensure that the air bubbles that can accumulate within the brake fluid are forced out. Air bubbles in the brake fluid will impede the ability of your hydraulic brakes to effectively stop your vehicle. Honda Civic LX owners have a few options regarding this task. The best way to bleed your brakes is to have one person inside the vehicle pressing the brake pedal while another person handles the flow of brake fluid from each brake.
Park the Honda in an area that will allow you to safely work on all sides of the vehicle. You should be away from passing traffic, on a relatively flat surface, and away from any curbs.
Loosen the lugnuts on each wheel with the tire iron.
Place the lifting jack beneath the frame of the Honda near the rear bumper and lift the vehicle. Place jack stands beneath the frame and rest the vehicle onto the stands.
Remove the lugnuts on the rear wheels and pull the wheels from the wheel bolts.
Open the hood of the Honda. Remove the cap on the master cylinder. The master cylinder is located near the windshield on the driver's side of the vehicle.
Have your assistant sit in the driver's seat, press the brake pedal and keep pressure on the pedal until it is fully depressed.
Attach the tube from the bleed kit to the bleed valve on the right rear caliper of the vehicle. Open the bleed valve with the 10-mm wrench. Place the drip pan below the bleed kit tube.
Monitor the flow of brake fluid through the lead kit tube. Allow the brake fluid to flow from the tube until there are no air bubbles in the stream of brake fluid.
Close the brake fluid bleed valve on the right rear wheel brake. Remove the bleed kit tube from the bleed valve.
Once you have finished the right rear brake, repeat the bleeding process for each brake in the following order: left rear brake, right front brake, and finally the left front brake.
Place the wheels back onto the wheel bolts. Screw on the lugnuts by hand. Lift the vehicle to remove the jack stands before lowering it to the ground. Tighten the lugnuts with the tire iron.
Fill the master cylinder with the DOT-3 brake fluid until the fluid is to within 1/4-inch from the top of the container. Replace the master cylinder cap.