The front bumper cover on a Mitsubishi is a plastic cover that conceals the front bumper. he front bumper cover is held to the frame of the Mitsubishi by about 10 bolts inside the engine compartment and in the wheel well. You will need to lift the front end of the Mitsubishi off of the ground with a jack to get to all of the bolts.
Remove the lug nuts from the tires using the lug wrench. Use the jack to raise the the front end of the Mitsubishi and lower it onto jack stands. Pull the right and left wheels off of the frame. Slide under the Mitsubishi and disconnect the turn signal wires by pulling them out from the turn signals on the right and left side of the bumper.
Unhook the rivets in the wheel well on the right and left side of the Mitsubishi using a screwdriver. Pull the wheel well covers off of the Mitsubishi's frame and set them aside.
Remove the bolts behind the Mitsubishi's wheel wells that secure the front bumper to the frame on the right and left side with the wrench. Get under the front end of the Mitsubishi laying on your back so that you can look up at the radiator. Locate the bolts that secure the front bumper to the frame and remove the bolts with the wrench
Unhook the plastic locks that hold the front bumper in place on the frame. Pull the front bumper off of the frame.