Over time, the salts and oils on roads can begin to eat away at the inner liner fender behind your car's wheels and body. The fender liners are usually made out of a thin metal or plastic. They will either rust out or holes will break in the plastic. This will allow for these damaging salts, oil and rocks on the roads to corrode your car body from the inside out. You can easily install new fender liners in your own driveway with a few tools.
Jack up the Honda Civic by the tire that you want a new fender liner install behind.
Unscrew the wheel and take it off the axle. Set the wheel to the side.
Unscrew the bolts holding the current fender liner to the car body frame. Remove the old fender liner.
Position the new fender liner in place. Screw the bolts back through the fender liner to secure it in place.
Put the wheel back on and let the car jack down.