DIY VW Beetle Fuel Pump Replacement

DIY VW Beetle Fuel Pump Replacement

The VW Beetle is a dependable and long-lasting vehicle requiring very little maintenance. However, over time the fuel pump in the VW Beetle may go bad or require replacement. Luckily, fuel pump replacement is not overly difficult on the Beetle. It does, however, require a bit of preparation and care on the part of the home mechanic. Within just a few hours, you can replace the fuel pump in your Beetle and be back on the road.

Prepare the car

  • The first step to replacing the fuel pump is to prepare the car for the replacement by taking care of a few safety issues. Park the car in a level area and set the parking brake. Jack the car up and set it on a pair of jackstands. Pop the hood and disconnect the battery to ensure there are no inadvertent sparks, which could set off a fire from the fuel tank. Crawl under the car and slide underneath the fuel tank to locate the drain plug. Place a catch container beneath the tank and remove the plug, allowing all the gasoline to drain out of the tank.

Disconnect the tank

  • The next step to the fuel pump replacement process is to drop the tank out of the VW Beetle's frame so you can access the in-tank fuel pump. Use a crescent wrench to unscrew the mounting bolts connecting the fuel lines to the gas tank. Zip tie the lines to the crossmember of the car's frame to keep them out of the way. Use a socket wrench to remove the mounting bolts on the strapping that holds the gas tank up in the car frame and allow the tank to slowly lower to the ground.

Remove the pump

  • The final step of the process is to remove the old pump and replace it with a new one. Use a socket wrench to remove the mounting bolts surrounding the perimeter of the top of the fuel pump in the tank. Lift the fuel pump assembly out, being careful to mind the float on the bottom of the pump. Slide the new pump into place and reinstall the mounting screws. Slide the tank back up into the frame and mount in place with the strapping. Reconnect the fuel lines, fill the tank with gas and take the car for a test drive.