Car wraps are an effective means of advertising that allow lots of people to see your product at a lower cost than many other methods. If you sell in a local market, rather than different countries or states, it can be a helpful way to get your brand name out to the public. Wrapping your car is not an easy process, but doing it yourself can help you save money. It is also a valuable skill to have should you decide to go into a vinyl advertising career.
Drive the car into a clean garage that does not allow wind to pass through. Keep the garage between 60 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Clean your car with detergent and water. If you come across grease, oil or wax on your car, use isopropyl alcohol as a solvent to remove it. You do not want any dirt or particles on the surface when you apply the wrap.
Wipe the car down with a lint-free cloth.
Cut the wrap to the proper measurements for each side of your car with sharp scissors or a razor blade. Different wraps might fit differently on your car. Some are designed just for the doors, while others have window pieces that cover the glass. Make sure your wrap is cut according to its design.
Tape the first graphic to its position on the car with masking tape. Align it and adjust it if it needs it. Begin peeling off the backing on one side of the decal and press it to the space on the car where you have aligned it. Remove the rest of the backing and press it as you go across the decal.
Use a squeegee to press any bubbles in the vinyl to the edges. Use a straight pin to let the air out of any areas tented over rivets. Let it sit for 10 minutes.
Squeegee the edges of the decal to make sure any remaining air is squeezed out and the decal adheres properly. Repeat Steps 5 through 7 with the rest of the cut decals.