Bleeding the slave cylinder on a Honda Accord is essential to making sure that it, as well as the entire hydraulic system it is attached to, is working properly and safely. Without proper bleeding the system could develop pockets of air, which will travel through the system and can cause sudden, drastic drops in pressure that are very dangerous. These drops in pressure mean that the clutch pedal could suddenly drop to the floor and be inoperable until pressure is restored.
Locate the bleeder valve on the slave cylinder. The slave cylinder will have three bolts, two standard bolts on the underside of it that attach it to the car, and one on the side that serves as the bleeder valve. Make sure that it is closed.
Push down and lift up on the clutch pedal ten times.
Open the bleeder valve on the slave cylinder and allow any fluid and air to drain out.
Close the bleeder valve and top off the hydraulic fluid in the clutch fluid reservoir.
Repeat steps one through four until firmness is restored to the clutch pedal.