Replacing the wiper on a Toyota 4Runner is a quick, simple job. It is important to be sure your wipers are in good condition, as worn wipers can damage your vehicle's glass. Worn wipers can result in scratches in the glass window, as well as poor window clearing due to skipping and worn spots. Spending five minutes to check the wiper's condition and replace it when necessary will help you keep your windows clear and save you the expense of a new window from worn wiper damage.
Check the replacement wiper blade against the blade on your vehicle to ensure that it matches the one currently in place. Your local auto parts store can help you select the appropriate one for your application if you are unsure.
Remove the old wiper insert by pushing the lever on the wiper arm up and sliding the arm forward to unlatch it.
Carefully pull the used rubber strip out of the wiper blade. Squeeze the support ribs on each end of the blade to remove it.
Place a soft towel under the wiper while preparing the new blade to avoid damage to the window.
Slide the non-locking end through the blade claw until the retainer has come to the starting claw.
Remove the first retainer clip and continue feeding the wiper through. When you reach the second retainer clip, remove it as well.
Push the locking end of the wiper blade into the starting claw. Tug on the rubber strip gently to be sure the blade is in place.
Remove the towel from under the wiper and place the wiper arm back in place. Test the wiper to be sure it is still functioning properly.