Chrome on wheel rims can sometimes become scratched or worn, or you might simply decide to go with another look. In either case, it can be a problem getting the old layer off a wheel. Most household cleaners won't work for chrome removal, and you don't want to spend hours with a scraper. Here's a way to remove all your chrome with plain old oven cleaner.
Put on your mask and gloves. The main chemical ingredient is not one you want to breathe in, and it can cause skin irritation.
Spray the oven cleaner onto the chrome you'd like to remove. Be careful to avoid getting it on the paint of your car, as it may take it off as well.
Let the cleaner sit for at least 10 minutes. You may notice some of the chrome begin to run. Don't get impatient--the cleaner still needs some time to work.
Wipe away the chrome with a rag or stiff cloth. At this point it should come off easily.
Wash away any remaining cleaner with a hose or damp towel.