Birds, especially in the spring mating season, can be very territorial. If they see themselves reflected in your car's side-view mirror, they become quite aggressive toward the "intruder." They may perch on a mirror waiting for the invader to reappear. They can cause damage with sharp beaks and leave a mess on your paint. Professional ornithologist and author Roger Lederer explains that birds don't distinguish between real rivals and those reflected in your mirrors. The solution is to blur or block the reflection.
Fill the spray bottle with water and quarter-strength soap, approximately an eighth of a teaspoon, or drop the size of a BB. Shake the bottle gently to mix the solution.
Spray a light coat on the mirror with the nozzle about 8 inches away. Allow to dry. Test the dulling effect by looking in the mirror. Repeat the application or strengthen the amount of soap if your reflection is too clear.
Experiment with the effective amount of spray.
Wash off the mirrors to drive and respray when you return to the bird's territory.
Cover your mirrors when your car is parked. Use household items such as old socks, which should fit over the mirror like a golf club cover (which you could also use) and stay in place. These have the advantage of being removable so you can drive and are quickly replaced when you park.
If the socks are too unsightly, try putting cling film wrap over your mirrors to blur the reflection. It is easily and quickly removed. It can also work on shiny hubcaps.
Eliminating the reflection will stop the attacks. Try a variety of methods to find what's best for you. In any case, Lederer says the birds' behavior should stop when they've found a mate and nesting season begins.