Fuel injection is present in almost every car on the road today, including Cadillacs. Fuel injection is the process of having fuel precisely measured and injected into the combustion chamber of an engine by a small device known as a fuel injector. Due to fuel impurities, fuel injectors can become clogged and require cleaning. Clogged injectors can cause your Cadillac to misfire or sputter under load when you hit the gas. Luckily there are two methods for cleaning fuel injectors at home--in- and out-of-car cleaning. The in-car cleaning method is the easier of the two.
Disconnect the fuel line from the fuel pump with the socket wrenches and use the extra fuel line to bypass the fuel injectors and create a continuous loop running back to the fuel pump. Use the supplied fitting and hoses to connect the pressurized solvent system to the fuel rail. This system is available at most auto-parts stores and is manufactured by 3M, NAPA and others. You will receive a kit that contains a hose fitting to tie into your current fuel system, a can of solvent and a variety of fittings.
Attach the solvent to the fuel solvent line, plug the machine into the fuel rail on your vehicle, and turn it on. The solvent machine will puncture the side of the solvent can. Start the car and let it run as the solvent cycles through the injectors.
Allow the car to run until the solvent system is empty (the car will sputter and stall out). Reconnect the fuel lines and restart the car. Repeat Steps 1-3 for cleaning if the car continues to sputter or hesitate when you firmly press the gas pedal down.