How to Install Truck Step Rails

Buying a new truck and making it your own is exciting. One way to do this is to add foot rails, also known as step bars. Many trucks don't come with these attachments, but they're quite easy to install. Here are six steps to get the job done correctly on the first attempt.

Things You'll Need

  • Metal drill and bits
  • Foot rails and accessories package
  • Marking tool
  • Tape measure
  • Read over your instruction manual. Make sure you were given all the needed accessories. If a piece is missing, return the package or ask the company to give you the missing piece.

  • Prior to drilling, place both rails on the truck. This should ensure the proper fit. If one rail is too long, then return the package and buy a new set of rails. This is also a great time to check if your truck is equipped to accept foot rails. According to, if this is the case, then all you should "loosen the body mount bolts." (See Resources.)

  • Use a marking tool to mark where the holes to drill will go. Failing to do so will likely jeopardize your efforts.

  • Refer to the instruction manual for precise placements for all accessories. Double-check your markings with the manual's recommendations.

  • Drill the foot rail into the position desired. When drilling be sure you have a metal drill and drill bits. It's also vital to verify the proper sized bit for the installation (refer to the manual).

  • Attach the rails to the truck using the intended screws. Don't tighten immediately. Instead make sure the rails are properly aligned. Then tighten the screws.