The front turn signal light on a Dodge neon is part of the headlight assembly. In order to change the bulb for the turn signal it will be necessary to remove the entire headlight assembly. Fortunately, this is not difficult. Be sure to replace the turn signal bulb with a proper-size replacement bulb.
Release the hood latch and then raise the hood of the car. Lock the hood in its open position.
Remove the screws holding the headlight to frame of the car. In some models there will be only three screws, but in most models there will be four screws.
Carefully pull the headlight assembly away from the car. You will only be able to move the assembly a short distance because of the wires connected to the assembly.
Locate the wire that attaches to the small turn signal/parking light bulb. Carefully remove this wire--it should simply pull straight off.
Remove the bulb from the headlight assembly and replace with a new turn signal bulb.
Reattach the wire to the bulb. Place the headlight assembly back into place and reattach using the screws that you removed earlier. Close the hood.