Mitsubishi Eclipse doors are held on with anywhere from 6 to 7 screws, depending on the model year. The screws are located on the left and right sides of the door and may be covered by caps that blend into the door trim. Use a flat-head screwdriver to remove the caps and Phillips screwdriver to unfasten the screws.
One additional screw is located behind the door handle. Pull the handle back and use your hand to hold it. Then, with a Phillips-head screwdriver, remove that final screw.
Mitsubishi doors are held on by a series of clips, which go all the way around the door and hold it in place. Using a putty knife, slide the blade in between the door frame and panel and gradually pop each clip. These are located throughout the actual panel. They will each make a snapping sound, but they are not breaking. They are simply unsnapping from the door panel.
With each of the screws removed and each panel snap popped, gently lift the Eclipse door panel away from the door itself. If your Eclipse has power windows, be careful as the window hardware sits on top of the door panel. Pull the frame back--there is enough wire on the window assembly to permit this--then feed the window switch sideways through the opening. Then lift the door away, setting it aside with its screws.