Changing an air filter in a Honda Ridgeline is extremely simple, and by checking and replacing as often as the maintenance schedule for the vehicle recommends, you can save money on fuel and help keep contaminants from reaching the engine. An engine needs clean air to run properly and installing a new air filter a couple times a year, depending on conditions, is an easy and inexpensive way to contribute to the longevity and fuel efficiency of your Honda. It will also save you on labor charge some repair shops may charge to install it, and it takes less than five minutes to do.
Release hood latch and open hood.
Locate air box. It is on the left hand behind the battery.
Open the top air box housing. Use ratchet and extension with socket if there are small bolts that secure to the top of the box to the bottom. If not, simply un-clip the latches and open the top of the air box. You may have to stand on the side by the left front tire and lift up and push in a little to clear the fender well.
Extract old air filter and take note which side has the cut corner.
Insert new air filter, making sure to place the cut corner in the appropriate position.
Re-secure air box top.
Close hood.