The Oldsmobile Alero was the last vehicle sold under the Oldsmobile brand as well as the last compact car Oldsmobile made--production was from 1999 to 2004. Since your Alero is an older model, it's more likely to develop odors. However, you can eliminate them by cleaning the fresh air vents on a regular basis.
Visit your dealer to purchase a bottle of GM Vehicle Care Odor Eliminator. It's available in 16 oz. spray bottles and dealers buy it by the case. Since it's not available in stores, purchasing it at your dealer is your only choice, unless you can find it online.
Enter your Alero, turn it on and check that the air fan is off. Open the front windows for ventilation and then turn off the vehicle.
Spray the odor eliminator into all the inside vents in your Oldsmobile Alero. Use one or two sprays in each of the vents.
Start your Oldsmobile Alero and put the air fan on high cool. Don't, however, use the air conditioning setting at this time.
Get out of your car, close the door and find the fresh air vent located under the cowl in your Alero. The cowl is located at the base of your hood, in the area closest to the windshield. Spray the odor eliminator into the vent 10 times. You may have to open the hood to get a better shot at the vent.
Enter your Oldsmobile Alero after a minute and wipe away any excess formula that is coming out of the vents.
Check the smells coming from the vents. If there are still odors, go back to the outside vent and spray the odor eliminator five more times.
Continue performing Steps 6 and 7 until there aren't any odors in your Oldsmobile Alero. Then, change your vent control to air conditioning, set it on recirculation and close the windows. The re-circulation setting completely blocks any outside air from entering the vehicle.
Run your Alero for five to seven minutes after spraying some of the odor eliminator into the lower right instrument panel area.Turn your car off and exit your Alero.
Find the cabin air filter, if your Oldsmobile Alero comes equipped with one. Replacing this filter helps eliminate odors. It's located either behind the glove compartment, under the dashboard or in the engine chamber.