Check the heater hoses in your Chrysler Sebring on a regular basis to prevent damage to your engine and keep your car running smoothly. The heater hoses run from your heater core to heat up your Sebring's interior. Here's how to remove and replace old ones.
Check the heater hoses every 15,000 miles or after a harsh winter season. Examine the clamps, which can cause cracks in the hose if they're too tight, and feel for soft or brittle spots next to the clamp connection. Replace any heater hoses that show damage.
Place a drain pan underneath the radiator and empty the Sebring cooling system of refrigerant by opening the radiator petcock. Put the coolant in a sealed container and dispose of it according to your local municipality regulations.
Use pliers or a screwdriver to loosen the clamps securing the hoses to the heater core. Some auto supply stores sell heater hose disconnect tools to simplify this task. Twist the hose and lift it from the fitting. Use a utility knife to slice the heater hoses to make them easier to remove.
Clean the fittings with a strong multipurpose cleaning solution. Use gasket sealer to cement the new heater hoses into place. Slide the clamps over the new heater hoses until you place them securely at the mouth of each hose.
Pour fresh coolant in the radiator and turn the Sebring on to look for leaks. If you don't find any, do one final check of coolant levels before you close the hood. If you find leaks, check the connections to be sure they are snug and free of leaks.