Typically, fuses and relays in Kia Spectras manufactured between 2006 and 2008 reside in the engine compartment fuse/relay box or the driver-side knee bolster. In the engine compartment, the fuse/relay box is located on the right side under the hood behind the battery. The driver-side knee bolster box is to the left of the steering column.
Unplug the battery before replacing any relays in your Kia Spectra. Although the plug-in/cartridge style relays pull out easily, you need to check the relay panel and box for damage, dirt and corrosion and possibly make repairs. Disconnecting the battery can protect you and your vehicle from power surges and damage.
Remove the fuse/relay box cover from either the engine compartment fuse/relay box or the driver-side knee bolster box. To remove the cover, you must push in the cover locking tabs. Turn the cover over to review a diagram of the interior of the box that outlines the location, name and capacity of each relay. If you still feel uncertain about the a specific relay's location, refer to your Kia Spectra owner's manual.
Pull out the appropriate relay and check the relay socket and box housing for damage, dirt or corrosion and clean or repair it, if needed.
Push your new relay into the empty socket, reconnect the battery and see if the relay corrected your electrical system-related issue.