The heater hoses in your Chrysler Town and Country minivan sends coolant from the heater core to the van's interior to warm it. These hoses corrode after lots of use so you need to examine them regularly and replace them occasionally. Compared to other do-it-yourself maintenance jobs, it's an easy task.
Locate the front and rear heater hoses in the engine compartment of your Town and Country. On most Town and Country models, one heater hose runs up to the thermostat housing intake and the other hose runs to the heater core.
Turn off the Town and Country's engine. Then inspect the heater hoses for bulges, leaks and soft spots. If you find any of these signs of wear and tear, you need to replace the heater hoses.
Drain the coolant in the radiator by loosening the peacock. Empty it completely before taking off the old heater hoses. Keep a drain pan underneath to catch the coolant. Then put coolant in a sealable container for safe, proper disposal.
Remove the clamps that connect the hoses to the heating tubes. Use a screwdriver or pliers to do this. Slit the old hose with a utility knife from the end to just above the heater tube.
Pull and turn the heater hoses to loosen and remove them. Some models of Chrysler Town and Country minivans use two different size heater hoses, so take note of this as you remove the heater hoses and know where to place the new hoses.
Measure the old hoses before buying replacements or bring the old heater hoses with you to the auto parts store to ensure that you purchase the correct sized hoses.
Seal the gaskets with gasket sealer, check the clamp fittings to make sure they are clean and attach the new heater hoses by sliding the clamps over to the end of each hose. Add fresh coolant in the radiator and then turn on the engine to look for leaks.