The fuses in your 2001 - 2007 Dodge Caravan or 2008 - 2015 Grand Caravan are located in the Totally Integrated Power Module (TIPM) under the hood. The TIPM lid has a schematic of the fuses, but they are only labeled by number. You'll need the owner's manual to determine the circuit each fuse protects. You can download a copy of the owner's manual for 2004-and-newer models at
Squeeze the locking tab and swing open the lid on the TIPM. Open your owner's manual to the section labeled "Maintaining your Vehicle," then find the subsection labeled "Fuses." Use the list of fuse cavities and descriptions to determine which fuse you need to replace. Remove the fuse from its cavity with the included fuse puller or a pair of needle-nose pliers. Press a new fuse of the same amperage rating into the cavity.