When you change the automatic transmission fluid in a Dodge Durango, always use Mopar® ATF Plus 3, Type 7176 fluid. If you aren't sure how often you should change the transmission fluid, check the owner's manual for the maintenance schedule.
Drive the Durango for 15 to 20 minutes to warm up the transmission fluid. When the fluid is warm, it will drain better and remove more contaminants from the engine. Raise and support the front of the Durango on ramps or jack stands. Place a large drain pan beneath the transmission.
Loosen the transmission pan retaining bolts with a socket wrench. Remove the bolts, but leave one at each of the four corners of the transmission pan. Slowly loosen the remaining bolts a little at a time. Fluid should begin to drain from the seal on the transmission pan. If the pan is stuck, break the seal by gently prying it loose or tapping it with a rubber mallet.
Support the pan with one hand and remove the bolts on one side of the pan. Allow the transmission fluid to drain until it stops. Remove the two last bolts. Remove the pan and drain the rest of the fluid.
Remove the three screws that hold the filter onto the transmission. Note that these screws may be Torx style. Install a new transmission fluid filter.
Clean the transmission pan and the magnet with solvent. Remove the old gasket material from the transmission pan. You may need a scraper to remove it all. Clean the mating surfaces with a lint-free cloth soaked in solvent. Let the pan air dry.
Put the new gasket on the pan and align them. Remove the gasket, apply a few drops of adhesive on the pan and replace the gasket. Realign the gasket before the adhesive dries.
Replace the pan onto the transmission and replace the retaining bolts. Tighten the bolts in a crisscross fashion to 150-inch pounds with a torque wrench. Return the Durango to level ground.
Refill the transmission with new fluid a little at a time, while checking the level often. Continue to add transmission fluid until it passes the "Add" mark on the dipstick, but doesn't pass the "Full" mark.
Start the engine, shift the transmission through all the gears and place the gear selector back in "Park." Recheck the transmission fluid level and add more fluid if needed. Don't overfill the transmission.
Replace the dipstick into the filler tube. Turn off the engine.