The clutch of the Honda Prelude is adjustable. You can change the length of the stroke as well as the pedal height. However, it you find that after making these adjustments the clutch is still not functioning properly, you need to look at the clutch components.
Check the level of the clutch fluid when attempting to adjust the clutch in the Honda Prelude. The reservoir is located on the left of the engine bay near the firewall. If the fluid level is low, fill it to the recommended level. Pump the clutch pedal a few times to restore the hydraulic pressure.
Measure the clutch pedal to see if it falls within the Honda Prelude specifications. Pedal stroke should 0.58 to 0.60 inches, the height of the clutch pedal from the floor should be 0.712 inch, the free play should be .06 to 0.10 inch and the clutch pedal disengagement should be 0.288.
Adjust the clutch pedal if it does not fit with the Honda specifications. To adjust the pedal stroke, loosen the lock nut on the top of the clutch pedal, and loosen the lock nut in the end of the push rod. Turn the push rod either in or out to get the adjustment that you need. Tighten the lock nut on the push rod, tighten the lock nut on the pedal until it touches the pedal, then tighten it 1/4 to 1/2 of a turn more.
Look at the place where the master cylinder of the Honda Prelude connects with the pedal. You will see a fork there. This is adjustable by turning the inner nut until it loosens, and lengthening the rod of the master cylinder. You can turn the rod either right or left, then tighten the nut back up to secure it in place. Check the pedal to see it this is the adjustment you need.
Bleed the clutch system to rid it of any air bubbles that might have collected. Release the bleeder valve and attach a hose to it. Put the other end of the hose in a container with clutch pedal fluid. Pump the clutch pedal a few times to bleed the fluid from the system, and stop after you don't see any more air bubbles in the container.
Examine the master and slave cylinders in your Honda Prelude is you are trying to adjust the clutch and nothing is working. You may find that both or either are leaking. Replace these if this is so.
Inspect the components of the clutch for wear, such as the teeth of the diaphragm spring, and the flywheel and clutch disc itself. Use a straight edge and a feeler gauge to see if the clutch disc falls within the recommended range of 0.32 of an inch and 0.35 of an inch. If any or all of the components are worn, replace them.