When trying to keep a Dodge Durango in top operating condition, it is necessary to perform routine maintenance, including flushing of the radiator. If you can operate a wrench and follow directions, then you can complete this maintenance with relative ease.
Park the Dodge Durango on a level surface and set the parking brake. If available, you should elevate the front of the truck on risers to make the underside more accessible.
Open the hood and touch the radiator. If the radiator is still warm, allow it to cool off before attempting to open it. Opening the radiator while hot can cause the pressurized coolant inside to erupt and severely burn anyone in the vicinity.
Take the radiator cap off once it's cool to the touch. You may want to wear waterproof gloves and a long sleeved shirt to protect your skin. Be sure to place the cap where you won't lose it during the flushing process.
Position a pan or bucket directly beneath the radiator plug on the underside of the radiator. This container should have a capacity of at least 2 gallons.
Remove the radiator plug or petcock valve from the underside of the Dodge Durango's radiator. You may need to use a wrench to unscrew the drain.
Allow all the existing coolant to drain into the bucket or pan. Once finished, put the old coolant into a sealable container for proper disposal. This substance is very toxic to humans and pets and you shouldn't drain or dispose of it in an open area. Instead, take the coolant to a liquid waste disposal site or a local auto repair shop.
Close the radiator drain plug and pour distilled water into it to begin the flush. Reopen the plug to drain the water and repeat this process until the water runs debris free into the bucket. You need approximately 3 gallons of distilled water for the flushing. Be sure to place the bucket back underneath the radiator each time you pour the distilled into the radiator. Dispose of this liquid in the same manner as the old coolant.
Put the radiator plug back into place on the bottom the radiator and fill the radiator with fresh coolant within an inch of the top of the radiator opening.
Turn on the Dodge Durango and allow it to run until the cooling fan turns on twice. Then, check the fluid level in the radiator and add some more if the level retreated below one-inch of the radiator lip. Securely replace the radiator cap and close the hood.