The radiator is the heart of the cooling system in a Plymouth Voyager. To keep the coolant system working at peak efficiency, it's necessary to perform regular maintenance on the radiator. Every other year, an owner should flush the radiator of the Plymouth Voyager thoroughly. While this may seem difficult, nearly anyone can perform this task.
Move the Plymouth Voyager to a level surface and set the parking brake. Then, pop the hood and check the external temperature of the radiator. If it's warm to the touch, wait for it to cool down before you continue.
Turn the radiator cap one full revolution to release any pressure. Be very careful, because this pressure can cause the radiator to erupt and burn anyone in the area with hot coolant. After waiting a few seconds, remove the radiator cap entirely.
Position a bucket with a capacity of at least two gallons underneath the radiator and below the drain plug. The drain plug on the Plymouth Voyager is usually on the bottom of the radiator, but the specific position on the bottom can vary depending on the year model.
Remove the drain plug and allow the coolant to drain completely from the radiator. Once complete, pour the old coolant into a sealable container.
Close the drain plug and fill the radiator with distilled water. Next, open the drain plug to allow the water to drain. Keep repeating this process until the water runs debris free out the bottom of the radiator. This step requires at least 3 gallons of distilled water. You can use tap water from a garden hose, but there is a danger of leaving sediment behind in the radiator if you do this.
Put the drain plug back into position and fill the radiator with fresh coolant until it's within an inch of overflowing. You will need approximately three gallons of coolant, but this can vary in a few models of the Plymouth Voyager.
Start the Plymouth Voyager and turn the heater to the max setting. Allow it to run for at least 10 minutes and then shut off the engine. Carefully check the radiator fluid level and add more coolant, if the level decreased. If the level is still correct, then replace the radiator cap and close the hood.