Insects are a part of nature and ideally that is where they will stay. However, there are a number of things you can do to reduce the chance of an infestation in your automobile. While one or two bugs may not be of much concern, you may feel differently if a colony of ants where to take up residence inside your car.
Clean your car regularly. Remove any garbage, excess paper or cardboard that may become good nesting material for a variety of bugs. Take extra time and make sure your car is cleaned after a trip to the beach or if you spend any time in a campground.
Remove floor mats from your car and vacuum both the mats and carpets inside the car. If they are very dirty shampoo the carpets and mats using a rug cleaner. You can also shampoo cloth car seats at the same time.
Spray small amount of insecticide inside the car, enough to prevent insects from entering your car but not enough to overpower you with the smell. Spray the insecticide around the perimeter of the car when it is parked at night. If you park the car in a garage spray the insecticide along the floor of any entrances to the garage.
Keep your car clean on a regular basis and you should be able to eliminate the chance of any insects from living inside your car.