Removing old decals from your car will help give the car a fresh and clean look, but you must remove the decals properly or you will damage the car's paint. Never use any metal objects or anything sharp to scrape off the decals, since doing so will scratch the paint. Further, removing the decals on a warm day will help ease the removal process.
Wash the areas around the decals you wish to remove, using the car wash soap. This will make removing the decal easier and will help protect the paint from scratches while you are removing the decal.
Hold a hairdryer up to the decal and the surrounding area for approximately 5 minutes. You can also park the car in the sun during a hot day.
Use your fingernail or a plastic putty knife to lift up one edge of the decal. Pull on the decal slowly to peel it off the car. If the decal tears, lift up the edge of the decal and continue peeling.
Hold a clean rag just below where the decal's residue is left on the car. Pour a liberal amount of an anti-adhesive solution or paint thinner over the residue, catching it with the rag so it does not run down the rest of the car.
Let the anti-adhesive solution or paint thinner sit on the residue for 5 minutes, and then rub off the residue with your fingers or scrape it off with the plastic putty knife. Wash the entire car, including where you removed the decals, immediately. Wax the car as well to ensure you have removed all of the decal residue.