How to Clean the Injector on a Ford Tractor

How to Clean the Injector on a Ford Tractor

Gas economy and efficiency are important to your Ford tractor, so using a fuel injector cleaner from time to time can go a long way to help you maximize performance in the vehicle. Fuel injector cleaners can be purchased at a small price from auto repair stores. The cleaner is a mixture of bleaches and detergents that's packaged in a small bottle and packs a punch to clean deposits in even large vehicle fuel injectors.

Things You'll Need

  • Fuel injector cleaner
  • Open the fuel filler on your Ford tractor and remove the cap.

  • Twist open the bottle of fuel injector cleaner. Place the cap of the bottle aside.

  • Pull the funnel tube from the bottle until it is fully extended.

  • Stick the funnel tube into the fuel filler of your tractor (as if you were filling the tank with gas).

  • Tilt the bottle on its end so that the cleaner makes its way deep into the tank. Pour the entire bottle contents into the tank.

  • Discard the bottle.

  • Replace the fuel cap on your tractor and close the fuel filler.