Steelmate has been manufacturing vehicle alarm systems since 1993. Instructions typically come with the motorcycle alarm package delivered directly from China, but the instructions may not be printed in any language other than Chinese. This makes it difficult for owners to operate the motorcycle alarm.
Arm the alarm by pressing the button that looks like a lock on the remote once. You will hear three beeps and the indicator will flash.
Disarm the alarm by pressing the button on the remote that looks like an open lock once. The indicator light will flash twice and you will be able to start your engine immediately.
Arm the alarm in mute mode, so no one can hear the beeps, by pressing the button that looks like a horn with an "X". Press this button once to arm the alarm quietly.
Activate the anti-hijacking alarm mode by pressing the lock button on the remote for approximately two seconds while it is being driven to stop the engine. This will stop whoever is hijacking your motorcycle from stealing it. Deactivate the anti-hijacking alarm mode by pressing the open lock button once.
Locate your motorcycle in a parking lot by pressing the lock mode for approximately one second. The alarm will beep for 10 seconds, and the directional light on the remote will flash at the same time to give you the direction to find your motorcycle.