Introduced in 1989, the Chevrolet Lumina is a sedan manufactured by General Motors. The Chevy Lumina can suffer from shift problems which can often be resolved with a little detective work.
A whining noise emanating from your Chevrolet Lumina's transmission can result from incorrect rotation of gears and bearings that contact other transmission parts. Disassemble the transmission and inspect the gears and bearings for signs of wear or damage and replace them as needed.
If you experience difficulty shifting from a higher gear to a lower gear in your Chevrolet Lumina, low transmission fluid levels or poor quality transmission fluid may be to blame. Flush the transmission and add high quality fluid to restore proper shifting.
A leaking master cylinder or slave cylinder can reduce the fluid available to the Chevy Lumina's clutch, resulting in gear sticking or the inability to shift out of one gear. Inspect the Lumina's master cylinder and slave cylinder for leaking seals.