Chrysler Concord Idling Problems

Chrysler Concord Idling Problems

The Chrysler Concorde was a four-door sedan manufactured between 1993 and 2004 by Chrysler. The Chrysler Concorde can develop idling problems that can often be resolved with a little time and detective work.

Low Idle Speed

  • The Chrysler Concorde may idle at low speeds due to sludge or other sediment in the throttle body which blocks proper air flow. Inspect the throttle body for signs of sediment accumulation and use brake cleaner to remove the buildup.

Rough Idle

  • The Chrysler Concord may also idle rough or stall while idling due to a vacuum leak, which disrupts the vacuum pressure produced by the Concord's engine. Check the vacuum lines for signs of wear or damage, and replace them as needed.

Stalling During Idle

  • If the Chrysler Concord's engine stalls during idle, the fuel pressure regulator may be to blame. Check the fuel pressure with a fuel pressure gauge to ensure it reaches proper levels based on manufacturer specifications for each model year. If the fuel pressure remains low, replace the pressure regulator.