Honda Idle Problems

Honda Idle Problems

The Honda Civic, a line of compact cars manufactured by Honda, is the second-longest car in production from the Japanese manufacturer. Despite its longevity, the Honda Civic can develop idle problems, which often can be resolved via some basic troubleshooting techniques.

PCV Valve Leak

  • Positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valves refer to variable-restriction valves that enable the passage of gases to the Honda engine’s uptake stream. A cracked PCV valve may produce a vacuum leak, leading to idling problems. Replacing the PCV valve typically restores proper idling.

Throttle Problems

  • An obstruction in the Honda throttle plate can prevent it from closing entirely, resulting in rough idling. The driver should remove the throttle body, the part of the intake system that controls air flowing through the engine, to find the blockage and remove it. If no obstruction exists, the driver can loosen the throttle cable to correct the idling problem.


  • The Honda Civic fast idle thermo valve (FITV ) opens to allow air through the throttle body based on coolant temperature. A bad or blocked FITV valve prevents proper air flow through the throttle body, resulting in fast idling. The driver should clear the blockage or replace the FITV valve as needed.