The Kia Amanti refers to a sedan launched in 2003 by Kia Motors. The Amanti, considered a premium midsize car, can develop steering problems that can impair vehicle operation. Fortunately, many of these problems can be resolved via some simple troubleshooting techniques.
Kia Amanti steering rack problems can cause stiff steering, or the ability to turn efficiently in one direction but not in the other. Steering rack issues typically arise from wear inside of the steering assembly housing. Replacing the steering assembly typically restores proper Kia Amanti steering function.
Kia Amanti steering can hesitate, or the wheel may turn slightly in one direction, stiffen, then allow for easy steering again. Steering hesitation can be caused by a malfunctioning steering pump, which displaces fluid under pressure, assisting the steering assembly in directing the tires as the steering wheel turns. A bad steering pump may not drive the necessary fluid to the steering assembly, causing it to seize up. The driver should replace the bad pump, as well as inspect the steering assembly for damage and replace it as needed.
If the Kia Amanti shakes during cold steering, then resumes normal function when warm, slippage in the belts that drive the pump may be to blame. A mechanic should inspect and tighten the belts as needed.