Gasoline prices are high enough that consumers are keeping a close eye on any change to their vehicle's gas mileage. Many components, like the throttle body, can affect the efficiency of the fuel's combustion processes.
A throttle body controls the amount of air entering the engine, as it reacts to the accelerator being depressed for more power. Typically, it is located on the intake manifold where the incoming air passes through.
Fuel mist has a tendency to waft up through the intake manifold. When this happens, it can deposit along the throttle body's moving plates, causing an eventual build up. Consequently, this alters the air-to-fuel ratios and lessens the gas mileage.
If a throttle body is not serviced and cleaned of these fuel deposits, gas mileage will continue to suffer until the engine cannot function on the imbalanced air-to-fuel ratios. It is possible for an engine to misfire due to a dirty throttle body.