The 2011 Volvo S80 is no. 11 on the Luxury Large Cars list, ranked by U.S. News updated September 2010. The luxury mid-size sedan comes equipped with a 2.5-liter engine, a five-speed automatic transmission and front disc brakes. If you are having trouble stopping in your Volvo S80 or your brakes are grinding, you may want to check your brakes. Persistently driving with worn brakes causes damage to your rotor and calipers, which can get expensive to repair. You can save money when you change your brakes yourself.
Raise the front end of the Volvo S80 with the floor jack and support the vehicle with jack stands.
Remove the wheel and tire assembly. Use a lug wrench to remove the bolts.
Remove the spring clips and protective caps.
Remove the old brake pads and guide pins with a ratchet and socket.
Clean the calipers in the location where the brake pads sit. Inspect the brake caliper, protective caps and disc brakes for damage. Replace the entire part when leaks and cracks exist.
Take some of the brake fluid out of the brake master-cylinder tank. The reservoir should appear half-full.
Apply pressure with a C-clamp towards the brake caliper.
Check the brake fluid levels in the master cylinder reservoir. Empty some of the brake fluid until the reservoir is half-full.
Apply pressure to the brake caliper pistons with a C-clamp.
Change the protective cap on the brake pistons when it is worn. Resurface or replace the metal disc brakes or rotors when needed. Change the rubber seals next to the guide pins when damaged.
Position the new brake pads, caliper, retaining pins and spring clips.
Refill the master cylinder container with new brake fluid.
Reassemble the wheel and tire on the Volvo S80. Lower the Volvo S40 on to a flat level surface. Pump the brake pedal to accurately set the brake pads.