There have been cases of engine failures reported to the Mitsubishi Company by their customers. Several vehicles and machines using Mitsubishi engines have had engine failures ranging from stalling to compression problems. The engine problems are varied and affect the functioning of vehicles and machines. (See reference 1)
Starting failure is one of the most frequent Mitsubishi engine problems experienced by people who use Mitsubishi engines. It is essential that air and fuel mix appropriately, compress and ignite for the engine to start. There are certain times that the Mitsubishi engine may have a leakage in its cylinder. Because the valves will not be fully sealed to compress air and fuel properly, the engine might fail to start.
Many Mitsubishi vehicle owners have complained of their vehicles engines overheating. This problem is caused by a faulty cooling system. The cooling system may have a leak or the cooling fan may have worn out. As a result your engine’s efficiency is lessened.
Engine oil leakage is a common problem and affects almost every vehicle owner once. Engine oil is essential because it acts as a lubricant for the engine to work. A leakage of engine oil would result in engine failure and even corrosion of its parts.