Toyota Corolla Alignment Problems

Toyota Corolla Alignment Problems

There are several signs that your Toyota Corolla may not have proper alignment. Knowing what to look for can help to diagnose problems before they become worse.

Camber / Caster

  • Camber and caster refer to the alignment of the wheels with the steering axis. Camber is the tilt of the wheel from the side of the vehicle. Caster is the tilt of the vertical axis. If either camber or caster are out of alignment, you will experience decreased tire tread coming into contact with the road.


  • Toe-in measures the angle at which the tires are tilted outward from the vertical axis of the suspension. Toe-in is typically one of the main adjustments used for realignment of wheels and suspension systems. If a vehicle's toe-in is excessive, then the tires will show more balding on the inside than the outside.


  • The suspension system on a Corolla also has an impact on the alignment of the wheels. If parts of the suspension system, such as the ball joints, wheel bearings, tie-rod ends or strut and coil assemblies are worn out, then the alignment can suffer due to the wheels not having the proper support.