Problems With an Audi ESP

Problems With an Audi ESP

The Audi electronic stability program (ESP) relies on sensors located on the vehicle suspension. These sensors monitor speed, steering angles and throttle closely to maximize vehicle safety. ESP slows selected vehicle wheels or decreases total vehicle speed to keep the vehicle on the road during sharp turns or steep inclines. The ESP program has created problems for Audi owners.

ESP Light

  • Many Audi drivers have reported the ESP light in their vehicle will turn on for no reason and remain lit for an extended period of time. After taking the vehicles in for service, some drivers reported the vehicle was mechanically sound. Others reported the problem stemmed from a faulty engine control module.


  • The Audi ESP program assists with vehicle stability. Some drivers experience a problem with vehicle performance because of the ESP program. The vehicle jerks during operation. The "Check Engine" light usually accompanies the ESP light when drivers experience traction problems.


  • Audi drivers having ESP program problems may experience a difference in driving speeds. Some drivers report the car becomes sluggish during acceleration and never hits top speeds. Some drivers have reported a lack of vehicle control while driving on hills or other inclines.