My Jeep Has a Vibration on Acceleration

My Jeep Has a Vibration on Acceleration

If your Jeep is beginning to vibrate upon acceleration, there are a variety of problems that could be affecting your Jeep's performance. Some problems may arise from tires and suspension, while others may originate from the engine.

Engine Mounts

  • If the engine mounts on your Jeep are failing, then the engine will begin to make excessive vibration and knocking sounds. As the engine works harder during acceleration, you may notice more vibration. Although engine mounts are not essential, it will lead to more annoying sounds while driving if not fixed.

Knock Sensor

  • If the knock sensor or other related electrical or sensory components have failed, then the timing and knock of the engine vibration will be deleteriously affected. Knock sensors help to time and streamline the combustion process. As a result, failed knock sensors will lead to more engine vibration, which has the potential to increase during acceleration.


  • If your tires and suspension systems are out of alignment, then you may also notice increased vibration throughout the Jeep body as you are driving and accelerating. There could be a variety of scenarios with improperly aligned suspension systems ranging from strut dampers, blisters on tires, balance and rounding issues, wheel bearings, tie-rod ends or wheel runout.