How to Remove the Starter Motor From a Model T

How to Remove the Starter Motor From a Model T

The Model T Ford is one of the most famous cars ever built and the first successful vehicle produced by the Ford Motor Company. The Model T came in a variety of styles throughout its production history, including a coupe, a roadster and a town car. The starter on the Model T was located on the transmission on the driver's side. The starter connected to the starter switch with a heavy battery cable that was held to a threaded post on the top with a large nut. The starter moved the vehicle's crankshaft and allowed the engine to get up to speed.

Things You'll Need

  • Crescent wrench
  • Place the transmission in first gear, and set the parking brake. Open the hood. Remove the battery ground strap with a crescent wrench.

  • Twist the butterfly knob on the bendix cover clockwise until the bendix cover comes free. The bendix cover is on top of the starter bendix, which is the coil on the starter that initiates the ignition.

  • Remove the Woodruff key from the bendix. The Woodruff key is the small, semicircular key that holds the bendix to the starter shaft. It is recognizable as a small tab on the side of the starter shaft. If the Woodruff key sticks, lift the bendix slightly to release some of the pressure. Remove the bendix by lifting it off the starter.

  • Remove the nut holding the battery cable to the starter. Remove the battery cable from the starter.

  • Remove the three starter mounting bolts with a crescent wrench. Lift the starter off the transmission.