How to Pass the Nevada Smog Test

How to Pass the Nevada Smog Test

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), air pollution can make you sick and shorten your life. Smog and carbon monoxide issued by cars can harm lungs and eyes and compromise the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to the brain. Although cars are less harmful to the environment than they were 30 or 40 years ago, the sheer volume of cars on the road adds more pollution to the air. Emission tests help a motorist know when the pollution-control parts of his car are malfunctioning. The state of Nevada requires vehicles registered in the state to pass an emissions smog test.

Things You'll Need

  • Valid driver's license or movement permit
  • Registration certificate
  • Emission test fees
  • Determine if your vehicle is required to pass the test or is exempt. New cars or trucks on their first or second registration are exempt. Other exempt vehicles are: hybrid electric cars that are in their first five model years; car made in 1967 or before; motorcycles and mopeds; vehicles based in remote areas; alternative-fuel vehicles; diesel vehicles that weigh 14,001 pounds or more; a vehicle transferred to a new owner when the previous test was conducted within 90 days before the transfer; vehicles whose transfer of ownership between spouses or between companies whose primary business is vehicle leasing when there is no change to the vehicle's operator; vehicles that are registered as classic cars and are driven less than 2,500 miles a year, and replica vehicles.

  • Maintain your car based on the service recommendations. Regular maintenance of your vehicle not only keeps it in peak working condition, it also improves the odds that any malfunctioning parts will be discovered and replaced before they create a larger problem.

  • Check to make sure you have a valid driver’s license or movement permit and registration certificate.

  • Pay the required fee based on your vehicle’s weight. As of 2010, the fees range from $39 to $51.

  • Pass a second test if your vehicle fails the first one. If your vehicle fails the second test, you can apply for an exemption under certain circumstances. But waivers won’t be issued for vehicles still in warranty, cars or trucks that are smoking or if the emission device exhibits signs of tampering.