If you have the slightest feeling that the transmission inside your vehicle is going bad, then you need to inspect it and check for certain warning signs. This is vital because if your transmission is beginning to fail, then you can fix the transmission before the problem becomes severe and results in a large mechanic's bill to repair the transmission.
Open your hood and check the transmission fluid in your vehicle. (See your car's manual for the exact location of the transmission fluid tank.) If it is bright then your transmission is fine. However, if it is dark and/or smells burnt, then you may have a problem on your hands.
Look underneath your vehicle and ensure there is no red oil leak underneath. If there are a few spots, you can postpone repair by checking your fluids often (there may also be a leak from the power steering system). If there is a large, red oil leak underneath the vehicle, you will want to take it to a trusted auto repair center.
Drive the vehicle for a short distance and listen to it run. If it feels like it is slipping through a gear and/or will not run in certain gears (for example, it will accelerate in second gear but not third) then you may have a reason for being concerned about your transmission. In addition, if the engine sounds like it is working harder than it should but you are not driving at a fast speed, you have a reason for concern.