The Z24 was Nissan's first introduction of a 4-wheel drive in a small pickup truck, in 1980. It remained a mainstay in Nissan's production lines until 1986. The 4x4 model Z24 got its name after the 1984 model, which had a Z-Series carburetor unit and 2.4 liter engine. It increased in size twice over the span of its short production life. Some design flaws marred the engine and its setup.
In a vehicle that works by combustion engine, the cooling system must be maintained in order for the vehicle to work properly. The cooling system makes sure that the engine stays at the proper temperature. According to Off, an off-road vehicle website, the heads on the engine of the Z24 have proven prone to warping because they consist mainly of aluminum. Maintaining the proper engine temperature is imperative, by regularly servicing the cooling system, performing regular radiator flushes and making sure to maintain proper fluid levels throughout the cooling system.
Also according to, another issue with the Nissan Z24 is the fact that the vehicle sometimes doesn't have enough low-end torque (needed to pull or tow as a 4x4 vehicle may often do). One of the ways to maintain the right amount of torque from the engine is to regulate the back pressure from the exhaust. You can do this by switching the stock exhaust pipes leading from the catalytic converter through the end of the system for slightly larger diameter exhaust pipes. Refrain from using too large an exhaust pipe, however, because too large a diameter will decrease the back pressure created by the engine, defeating the purpose of the exhaust modification.
The transmission may knock or make noise as the different gears engage. You can usually remedy this by keeping the gears inside the transfer case properly lubricated.