Ceramic brake pads hit the automotive market in the 1990s as an alternative to noisy metal pads and in response to health concerns about pads containing asbestos. Ceramic pads have a number of benefits, including a longer average life.
Ceramic brake pad manufacturers report that ceramic pads have a longer life than traditional brake pads. However, giving an exact figure as to a brake pad's life span is not possible, because its longevity depends entirely on the driver and his style behind the wheel.
An aggressive driver with ceramic pads may wear out the brakes before a less aggressive driver with traditional pads. To extend brake life, do not tap your brakes unless necessary, take roads with less traffic during rush hour, and do not continually inch forward and stop at red lights.
Ceramic pads offer less noticeable brake dust and noise than traditional pads. While ceramic pads create dust as they wear, the dust is lighter and not as noticeable as the dark dust that traditional brakes create. Because ceramic pads contain no metal components, they do not create as much noise during application as traditional brakes.