The Chevy 292 is a six-cylinder engine most commonly found in Chevrolet trucks and was produced from 1963 to 1990. The engine has a gross horsepower of 165 and a gross torque of 280. It is similar in design and appearance to both the Chevy 230 and Chevy 250 engines. In order to identify a Chevy 292 from its counterparts, you need to know what attributes to look for and what attributes make it different.
Open the driver's door of the vehicle and pull the hood release. Open the hood and secure it in place using the hood prop. If you have an attachable lamp, secure it to the hood for the best possible lighting.
Locate the engine mount and fuel pump on the passenger side of the engine. On a Chevy 292, the engine mount is closer to the front than the fuel pump. This is the exact opposite of the Chevy 250.
Remove the spark plug from the vehicle. Wipe the spark plug clean so you can read the model number. The Chevy 292 required a unique spark plug compared to the Chevy 250 and Chevy 230. The Chevy 292 uses a AC C42N model spark plug.