2000 Kia Sportage Head Torque Specs for a 2.0 Liter Engine

2000 Kia Sportage Head Torque Specs for a 2.0 Liter Engine

The 2000 Kia Sportage is equipped with a twin-cam, 2.0-liter engine. As with any automobile engine, tightening the head bolts to the proper torque specifications is important to prevent head gasket leaks.

Cylinder Head Bolts

  • The 10 cylinder-head bolts should be tightened to a torque of 59 to 64 ft-lbs.

Cylinder Head Cover Bolts

  • The 15 cylinder-head cover bolts should be tightened to a torque of 35 to 52 ft-lbs.

Tightening Sequence

  • It is very important that the cylinder head is properly seated on the engine block. The 10 cylinder-head bolts should be first snugged into place and then tightened to the specified torque starting with the two middle bolts and then working outwards toward either end of the engine.