When your Nissan Versa's battery dies, your ability to start the car dies along with it. As with most automobiles, your Versa's battery operates in a recharging loop, whereby the running of the engine recharges the battery and a charged battery allows for the ignition of the engine. Occasionally, because of human or mechanical error, even a fully charged or recharged Versa battery can die, requiring you to either jumpstart your Versa or change its battery altogether. Restarting your Nissan Versa after a battery change requires you to coax the starter engine, through either the addition of gas or momentum, to start, thus starting the battery charging loop in reverse order.
Place your key in the ignition and turn the key past the "On" position to activate the starter engine.
Depress the gas pedal to circulate gas throughout the engine as the car attempts to turn over.
Keep your Versa's engine running for at least 30 minutes to ensure that the new battery is fully recharged.
Place your car in neutral. Depress the clutch pedal and move the stick shifter into the middle of the H-pattern.
Push your car on a straightaway or a slight decline so that it gets up to six or seven miles per hour.
Turn the ignition key past the "On" position when your car reaches six or seven miles per hour.
Put your car into second gear and quickly release the clutch.