How to Remove the Front Grill on a Geo Tracker

How to Remove the Front Grill on a Geo Tracker

Created by Chevrolet in the late 80s, the Geo Tracker was a small SUV made in the United States until it was discontinued in 2004. Similar to other vehicles on the road, the Tracker utilizes a series of easy-to-replace accessories in the case of eventual wear and tear, such as with the front grill. While the actual model of Tracker may change the overall mounting of the grill itself, the general removal of the grill from vehicle to vehicle remains largely the same.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver set
  • Wrench set
  • Pliers
  • Park the Tracker in a flat environment and set the parking brake. Shut the Tracker off, unlatch the hood and exit the vehicle. Raise the hood to expose the engine and look down into the interior of the engine to inspect the backside of the grill. Look for clips, fasteners, bolts or screws that hold the grill in place. While simple clips are the most common way of mounting a grill in the Tracker, fasteners, bolts and screws have also been used in the design over the years.

  • Unfasten any bolts, screws or fasteners with a wrench, screwdriver or pliers, depending on the exact mounting system used. Set the parts aside for later use when reattaching the grill to the Tracker. Remove the grill from the front of the vehicle after the fasteners have been released.

  • Check the back side of the grill for simple clips. Use your fingers or the pair of pliers to open the clips and push the grill off of them. Disconnect the top two clips first, then the bottom two and any additional clips that may be installed as a result of after-market modifications. Pull the grill away from the bumper of the Tracker. Reattach the grill when you are finished working on the vehicle by sliding it into place and refastening the clips.