How to Locate Vehicles by VIN Number

How to Locate Vehicles by VIN Number

Using a car or truck's Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, allows you to find out where the auto in question is registered. The process to locate the car via the VIN requires using local DMVs or law enforcement agencies, as well as online search engines such as CarFax and free VIN trace sites.

  • Log onto a VIN trace search engine (see Resources). Enter the VIN into the proper field and enter in any other relevant information.

  • Look over the information on the car report from the VIN for current registration. Find the state and city it is registered in.

  • Bring the VIN to a local sheriff or law enforcement agency and ask if they provide VIN vehicle traces. Not every state allows this, check with your local agencies to see if this is a service offered in your locale.

  • Take the VIN information to your local Department of Motor Vehicles and ask for a VIN trace. Fill out any state forms needed and submit them with the fee.

  • Get your printed copy of the vehicle's location.