Early Warning Signs for Auto Motor Problems

Early Warning Signs for Auto Motor Problems

Suddenly your car engine has learned how to do the cha-cha. Maybe it has a smoking problem or gets a little "hot-headed" when dealing with heavy traffic; perhaps it's beginning to sound like a bowl of crackling Rice Krispies. Your automobile might be experiencing early signs of engine problems.

Red Warning Lights on Dashboard

  • Two prompts that indicate engine problems are "Check Engine" and "Check Oil." These indicators are important early warning signs that you may have motor trouble, so don't dismiss their importance.

Idling and Overheating

  • If you notice overheating or an engine idle that is rough at high speeds, this indicates the possibility of improperly grounded or loose wires, damaged engine hoses leading to the radiator, or loose drive belts. The water pump inside the engine might be defective, causing your car to overheat.


  • If your vehicle loses power when accelerating, it probably means a clogged fuel lines, a clogged fuel filter, or fouled spark plugs. It could also be a defect in the computer motherboard that controls your vehicle's operating specifications.

Noises and Vibrations

  • Tapping, backfires and a popping sound can mean misfiring of fuel inside the engine's cylinders. Grinding or moaning noises when you start your car could be a sign that your starter needs to be replaced or its components adjusted. Clunking, thumping and grinding during gear shifts indicates a possible problem with your engine's timing belt.

Smells, Steam and Smoke

  • Noxious odors inside your car are serious, signaling leaking oil or coolant, or the coolant reserve tank dripping on the hot engine. A burning rubber smell could be telling you that engine, air-conditioning or rive belts attached to the engine pulleys are damaged and need to be replaced.